Cory's Weblog

Wednesday, March 19

Thanks to Carl Revell who posted a message at regarding installing MSDE 2000 on a laptop. I was having no luck finding any information about why my install would come within seconds of completing, only to roll-back and fail. Finally, through the magic of Google, dbforums, and a little persistence, I was able to find Carl's post and solve the mystery.

Sunday, March 16

This is my first post using w.Bloggar. Within the next few days, I'll also be taking a look at BlogWorks XML. Seeing as I'm a newbie to blogging, I have no clue what to expect. I just think the concept is great and I'm anxious to learn more about it.

Saturday, March 15

If you have lots of images that you need to resize in a jiff, take a look at Multiple Image Resizer .NET.

Tuesday, March 4

A new version of Avant Browser is available. Avant is a tabbed browser (multi-window) with Popup Stopper, Cleaner and Google Search and is perhaps the best browser out there right now...and it's FREE!!

Monday, March 3

This is truly the answer to taking the web on the road... School bus offers web on the go