Thanks to Carl Revell who posted a message at regarding installing MSDE 2000 on a laptop. I was having no luck finding any information about why my install would come within seconds of completing, only to roll-back and fail. Finally, through the magic of Google, dbforums, and a little persistence, I was able to find Carl's post and solve the mystery.
Wednesday, March 19
Sunday, March 16
This is my first post using w.Bloggar. Within the next few days, I'll also be taking a look at BlogWorks XML. Seeing as I'm a newbie to blogging, I have no clue what to expect. I just think the concept is great and I'm anxious to learn more about it.
Saturday, March 15
If you have lots of images that you need to resize in a jiff, take a look at Multiple Image Resizer .NET.
Tuesday, March 4
A new version of Avant Browser is available. Avant is a tabbed browser (multi-window) with Popup Stopper, Cleaner and Google Search and is perhaps the best browser out there right now...and it's FREE!!
Monday, March 3
This is truly the answer to taking the web on the road... School bus offers web on the go